第 4 章
s the ability to describe others as they see theelves. 机智是一种以他人自身的视角洞悉其人的能力。 b)Tact is the ability to tell soone to o to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip. 计谋是一种能让别人满怀憧憬地走向地狱的能力。 17【despicable】 Adj.卑劣的,可鄙的 a)Minions are popular characters in the vie Despicable Me 小黄人是电影《卑鄙的我(神偷奶爸)》中很受欢迎的角色。 b)Is the passport for the despicable. noble is noble epitaph. 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭。(没查到完整的译文) 18【quaver】 V/N.颤抖 a)There was quaver in Lena’s voice. 莉娜的声音中有颤音。 b) You are rainbow in the sky, is I the quaver in son, is words rhy, also is the reason why I can stay here. 你是我天空中的彩虹,是我歌声里的颤音,是我文字里的韵脚,也是我驻足于此的原因。(没查到出处) 19【vicious】 Adj.恶性的,邪恶的 a)The press launched another vicious onslauht on the president. 新闻界对这位总统进行了新一轮的恶毒抨击。 b)We need to break the vicious cycle of violence and counterviolence. 我们需要结束暴力和反暴力的恶性循环。 20【extravaant】 Adj.奢侈的,无节制的 a)She’s ot very extravaant tastes. 她有很奢侈的爱好。 b)He cooses a bouquet of over 80 scents for her, an abstract, sterious perfu, radiatin an extravaant floral richness. 80多种花材构成一捧芬芳的花束,这种神秘而又难以描述的香水散发出一种浓郁的花香。(CHANEL 05) **** **** **** 01【Burn the dniht oil】 学习或工作到深夜。 [例句] Abiail has to et the report finished by torrow so she’ll be burnin the dniht oil toniht. 阿比盖尔不得不在明天之前完成报告,因此今晚她必须熬夜工作了。 02【take sb. under sb.’s win】 悉心帮助缺乏经验的晚辈 [例句] My ntor took under her win at a ti when I needed her the st. 我的恩师在我最需要帮助的时候悉心帮助了我。 03【be entitled to do】 享有某种权利 [例句] The jority of the workers have been entitled to paid holidays. 大多数员工享有带薪休假。 04【brain d